Thursday 13 October 2016

Flower and White.

 Never have I had meringue before nor pavlova, I usually just dribble watching the bakers on Great British Bake off making meringue. I'm not entirely sure why I have never tried meringue, I guess that is because I can be so fussy when it comes to food. That's until I got sent a ton of different flavoured meringue and pavlova.

Thursday 29 September 2016

Madara Cosmetics


Monday 22 August 2016

Fuller lips with Dreamweave Lip Voltage.

The idea of getting lip fillers has never crossed my mind, I guess that is because I naturally have big lips. Ever since Kylie Jenner had been filling her lips there seems to be a lot of teenagers/ young adults that look up to her and also want to get big lips like her.

Sunday 14 August 2016

Weekly Favourite

I have decided to do a weekly favourites every sunday where I just mention a beauty product, food, drink or piece of clothing that I have been loving for the past week.


Saturday 13 August 2016

My night out essientials

I cram as much stuff as I can into my tiny clutch bag on a night out, at one point I remember fitting in my huge Victoria Secret body spray. That is the thing with me, I cram in as much beauty products that I can.


Thursday 4 August 2016

Night look - Dreamweave&Co mascara and lip product!

For a usual night out I like to stick to just gold lids and very little eyeliner. I don't like to wear false eyelashes purely because I find that they look ridiculous on me as I wear glasses. Never have I come across a pair of false lashes that I have really loved. Not wearing false lashes means I like to achieve a 'fuller' effect by using only mascara. I usually use three different mascaras one on top of another to achieve the 'fuller effect.'

Thursday 28 July 2016

Skin and Lip care! - NEEK and Papaya Gold

I've struggled with sore, chapped lips for years and the amount of lip balm products that I've gone through is insane! Most of the lip balms that I've tried did moisturise my lips, but after leaving the product on my lips for any longer than an hour my lips were left feeling dry again. Although, a few months ago I came across 'Elizabeth Arden 8 hour lip repair' which has worked wonders. The only downside to the Elizabeth Arden lip repair balm is that it's priced at £20. Crazy expensive considering you do not get a lot of the product.


Afternoon tea at Sketch

Back in mid June I had afternoon tea at Sketch.


Tuesday 26 July 2016

Matcha Green tea - Pure Chimp

I love a nice cuppa tea in the winter, curled up on the sofa in a blanket with my 2 dogs laying next to me. I am hands down one of those people that have their tea really really weak! I do like tea but I like it to have just a hint of flavour and then the rest taste milky.

Monday 25 July 2016

Monday 18 July 2016

Inlight skincare review!

What is Inlight skin care?

"Inlight was born in 2006 from an enduring friendship and professional relationship between the Centre for Homeopathic Medicine in Naples (CeMON), and medical doctor, homeopath, herbalist and beauty guru Dr Mariano Spiezia, MD. Since founding the first 100% organic skincare range in the UK, Dr Spiezia with his wife Loredana have continued to play a significant role in organic beauty, both nationally and internationally.

Sunday 17 July 2016

My next step

My final hand in for my degree was Thursday, it was then that it finally dawned on me... I have completed University and I now have a DEGREE. I've always been an arty person, doodling on anything that I could get my hands on... mostly newspapers from a young age. Back in primary school I won a drawing competition in my borough, London Borough of Barking and Dagenham and met Margaret Hodge, who is an MP (I had no clue who she was back then) also I got given a Queen Golden Jubilee 2002 mug. (Yup, I still have it.)

Monday 6 June 2016

May Favourites

The last time I wrote a favourites post was back in March for February favs, the reason why I haven't posted any for the last few months is as I haven't changed my favs. Until now!


Wednesday 25 May 2016

Superdry Showcase

 Last Thursday I was lucky enough to get the chance to go attend a Superdry's event that showcased their AW 16 collection at their store on Regents Street.


Thursday 28 April 2016

Throwback Thursday! SO...? Sprays

Everyone has a throwback scent, my TB scent is So...?  Throughout my 5 years at secondary school I always had this spray in my bag, I would drown myself in it after finishing PE. I even had an entire bottom section of my locker full of all of the different smells of this brand in my locker at home. (Those cool Ikea closets that looked like a locker.) My all time favourite So...? Spray was the So...? Kiss me mini spray! 


Wednesday 27 April 2016

Elie Beaumont

Elie Beaumont, the woman who founded Elie Beaumont watches design elegant and thin watches that have a British style to them. Myself, I am obsessed with watches that have a thin strap, they just look classy in my opinion.

Saturday 23 April 2016

What I am taking on holiday!

So I was originally going to write a post about all the clothes I got from ASOS when its 50% Summer sale was on, but I thought.. whats better? Why not show little sneak peaks of the some of the outfits I'm going to be wearing on holiday! (Not all are from ASOS)

Thursday 14 April 2016

Dotty & Tink

At the moment I am fixated with white on white, pastel colours (especially light pink), fringed and lace clothing for Spring. What I enjoy most is being able to bundle up necklaces on top of one another to complete the look. With these four necklaces from Dotty & Tink I can do just that!

Monday 28 March 2016

Holiday clothes wishlist

In exactly one month today, I am jetting off to Spain for a weekend. I have been wanting to go holiday clothes shopping ever since I booked it back in February, but there were NO summer clothes in the shops. I don't fancy wearing a thick knitted jumper in the sun. 

Sunday 6 March 2016

February Favourites

I can't believe we are already into March, this year has gone by so fast so far.. it seems the older I get the quicker the years fly by. 

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Pandora - The Jewel Hut

The Jewel Hut - Pandora

In my last blog post I promised that I would start to post more regularly, I failed. I've had NO wifi which has been a nightmare. Its pretty sad how much I miss wifi. Anyway, I’m back for now! (I'm using the internet at my University to upload this.)

Saturday 13 February 2016

Im back!

Its been a while since I have wrote a blog post, but I'm back now for good! The reason as to why I hadn't posted much at all in the past few months was all down to being busy with University work! I had my dissertation due in December, which stressed me out to the max! I'm on a BA Fine art course and my dissertation was about how we perceive Op Art and an explanation of how our eyes and brain work. It drove me insane, but I recently got my results back and got a 2:1 which I was so happy about, although it wasn't a 1st I still feel as though all that stressing paid off!
But now the writing modules are over I can now just concentrate on making art! Which also means I have more time to write blog posts! Starting next Sunday I will be sure to start posting again every Sunday evening around 6-10pm UK time. Each week will be different, either fashion, beauty, art or DIY related.

                         Love Eliza xx

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Instagram- @elizamayp
Twitter - @elizamayp_
Snapchat - elizamayp

© Eliza May. All rights reserved.