Sunday 14 August 2016

Weekly Favourite

I have decided to do a weekly favourites every sunday where I just mention a beauty product, food, drink or piece of clothing that I have been loving for the past week.

Im going to start my very first 'Weekly Favourites' off with Impress nails. 
Being an art student means I cant have nice nails for long. The last time that my nails were pretty was back in 2011 for my Prom. Long timeeeeee. Although I haven't had any acrylics nor shellac on my nails since 2011 that doesn't mean that I haven't been testing out a whole load of false nails since. I only ever do my nails pretty when I am either going clubbing at the weekend or going somewhere 'special.'

Ive gone through so many false nails and those silly nail wraps. For me the nail wrap stickers dont last long whatsoever. It seemed to be every time after I showered they would peel off, it was so frustrating! They were a no go for me after trying them once. 
I have tried all the type of false nails you can get your hands on in Primark. You have to use a nail glue to stick the falsies on, which I would have thought it would make the nail stay on longer.. Nope. I remember I was on a night out in Moorgate, London with a bunch of friends with my white claw nails and I was outside the bar talking about my nails. I showed my friend my nails saying 'Look at my nails they were only £1 from Primark how good!' to which she responded 'One has fallen off.' My pinky nail has fallen off and I didn't even notice... I mean I did have one too many drinks but still! 

I have never tried the false nails that you have to peel off the sticker underneath to then stick onto your nail. I just always thought they were a waste of time and money. OBVS glue would keep the nail on longer than a sticker? Right? WRONG.
On Monday (8th August) I was in Asda with my mum and she went down the beauty aisle looking for hair clips. I don't know why on earth I started looking at the false nails section but I ended buying some Impress nails. I didn't have a special occasion to wear them out but I thought I would give them a test.

I am so impressed with them. If I remember rightly I am sure I only paid around £5 for them. OK, they are a bit pricey compared to the £1 Primark ones but I had heard a lot of good things about Impress nails from Youtubers like Graveyard girl.

I am writing this blog post on Friday 12 Aug and my nails are still on! They have survived the shower - washing my hair, opening cans and doing buttons and zips up. They don't feel loose what so ever and I can tell these wont be falling off any time soon. They must be held on by a glue sticker of some kind because they are holding on strong.

Inside the packet you get up to 24 different sized nails, a nail file and a cleaning cloth. All you have to do before applying them is make sure your nails are clean and Voila! APPLY the nails! It is such a quick and easy process.

These would be great to use for a wedding, prom or a date if you do not have the money or time to get your nails professionally done. I will 100% be buying more of these false nails for any special occasions in the future. They do so many styles of false nails!

Have you tried Impress nails? What did you think of them?

Thank you for reading and take care.

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