Monday 18 July 2016

Inlight skincare review!

What is Inlight skin care?

"Inlight was born in 2006 from an enduring friendship and professional relationship between the Centre for Homeopathic Medicine in Naples (CeMON), and medical doctor, homeopath, herbalist and beauty guru Dr Mariano Spiezia, MD. Since founding the first 100% organic skincare range in the UK, Dr Spiezia with his wife Loredana have continued to play a significant role in organic beauty, both nationally and internationally.

Years of research, scientific knowledge and love for nature 
make Inlight one of a kind, with products that work on and with your skin for visible, lasting results.
Beauty shines through a perfect synergy between our inner and outer selves. 
At once scientifically grounded and ethically sound, Inlight reflects a desire to promote beauty through the dynamic and therapeutic properties of plants and through vibrant health." -

Before I start rambling on about the actual product itself im going to talk about the packaging. If you guys have read any of my previous reviews on products you will know full well how happy and impressed I get when I see pretty packaging. Packaging is so important, its the first thing that people lay their eyes on so you want to make a good first impression. Inlight certainly knew how to capture my eyes and nose and my dog's too! Haha. Before even opening the product you get a waft of something that smells amazzzzzing. (Cant describe the smell.)
Inside of the bag was a super pretty white box with a perfectly tied bow on that you had to untie to get into the box. 
Inside the perfectly tied bow box was the organic super-food face mask and a little wooden spatula thingy that you can use to apply the face mask with. 

 If you open up the box that the product comes in there are the instructions on how to use the face mask. The idea of the inside of the box being used as the instructions is brilliant, and they only use vegetable-based ink!

"The Bio-lipophilic Matrix® consists of a specific blend of pure organic, cold-pressed oils selected for their high bio-chemical affinity to the lipidic human skin layer. Prior to production, they are energised by Dr Spiezia’s bespoke techniques which combine ancient traditions with modern science. These techniques heighten the oils’ vital force and help re-attune the skin to harmony, health and beauty. This enhanced blend of oils forms the heart of every Inlight product."


Below I had swatched the face mask, the bottom and middle was before rubbing it into my skin and the top swatch is what it looks like when rubbed in.

The product smells very fresh and I am OBSESSED with the colour of the face mask. The picture of me wearing the face mask was BEFORE I rubbed it in, as you can see I like to apply it thick. Now, the only problem with me applying it so damn thick was it was difficult to rub in and I ended up having to rub it elsewhere on my body so that I didn't waste any. (I have learned my lesson and will only apply thin layers from now on.)
The face mask is suitable for all skin types, its ideal for dry/damaged skin. I kept this face mask on for around 15 minutes and then washed it off with lukewarm water. I used this face mask in the morning and after washing it off my face was feeling so fresh and soft. I didn't apply any makeup and I was feeling ready for the day!
"Dr Spiezia recommends using the mask once a week to keep skin well nourished and balanced."


This organic super food face mask is priced at £45. Seems a lot, but for what you are getting and how good the product is I think its reasonably priced. You get 50 ml of 100% ORGANIC product for that price, which on the box says you can get up to 10 applications.
If you really cannot decide whether or not to purchase you can buy a small sample pot to help you decide! But I am sure that reading the reviews on their site will sway you to buy it. Oh and that they have won many awards and have been featured in magazines such as VOGUE.
To view the awards just click the link below!

Inlight also have a 'Chocolate face mask' which sounds so tasty... (Dont eat it!)
Inlight not only do face masks they have so many more products for the body and face including body butter, body oil and so much more.
 Also, the products are ALL organic and cruelty-free!

If you want to purchase this face mask you can click the link below:

Check out their website:

Dont forget to take a look at their social media

Instagram: - Inlight skin care production video.

Big thanks to The Bloggers Hangout and Inlight.

Have an amazing week!

Find me on:
Instagram- @elizamayp
Twitter - @elizamayp_
Snapchat - elizamayp


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