Wednesday 11 November 2015

Autumn nail art

Autumn nail art tutorial.

Click here for the pink and gold tutorial of this nail art I did last year.

I rarely post on this blog, but I'm back!  I have been using my Instagram to post photos that are beauty,fashion and art related.
Click here for my instagram.

 Now thats out the way, I decided to come back with a step by step nail art tutorial. 

ITS NOVEMBER! This year has flown by!

Its VERY time consuming so make sure you have a lot of time to kill before starting this!

What will I need?

  • a paintbrush, nail tool brush.. or anything with a thin brush at the end of it to create the lines!
  • NAIL VARNISH! You can choose any colours, whether glittery or not.. its up to you!

Nail varnish I used;
Top left to right. All the top are Ciate - Shade: Snow Virgin, Speed coat pro (top coat) and Encore!
Bottom left to right. 
Barry M - Gold Glitter
Topshop nails - Party piece 
Avon colour trend - Gold flecked

PREPARE YOUR NAILS... paint a base coat on your nails bla bla bla.......

Step 2
Paint your nails with the colour you have chosen.
WAIT until dry.

Step 3
Using the gold nail varnish (Barry M - Gold glitter)  I painted 2 layers on two of my fingers.

Step 4
Using the nail varnish (Topshop nails - Party piece) I painted over the gold I had previously painted! You may need to do a few coats if you use a glitter nail varnish for it to really show.

Step 5
Using a thin brush paint a dot onto the middle of your nail with whatever colour you have chosen for the design, I use my Ciate- snow virgin for this design!

Step 6
Still using the brush and the white nail varnish using the dot that you painted in the middle of your nail draw a cross X on your nail.

Step 7
Once you have drawn the X on your nail, you want to paint arrows in the spaces beside, below and on top of the X like the picture below... (I done the arrows in PINK so you can see what I mean by arrow... I used white on my actual nail.)

It should look like this... 

Dont worry if you keep messing up or you cannot get the lines straight or what not, just keep wiping off and starting again until you get it right:)

Step 8: 
Paint a top coat and YOUR DONE.

If you follow this tutorial then feel free to tag me on instagram @elizamayp so I can see!!!

Thank you for reading!

Find me on:
Instagram- @elizamayp
Twitter - @elizamayp_


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