Tuesday 22 December 2015

House Of Watches

House Of Watches

Last week I arrived home from what was a very long and stressful day at university to a package from House Of Watches!
 Who doesn't love coming home to a package, it definitely brightened up my day even more finding out what was inside.

Inside the package was a lovely pistachio kinda coloured box with the Radley London Logo on the top. It was very exciting, the box itself was so cute. But inside was a burgundy coloured Radley watch, which had gold toned circles on the dial. If that wasn't pretty enough, they even added the Radley dog tag to the watch! Wahhhh, too cute.  The strap of the watch feels as though its made from rubber which is perfect as I am an artist I constantly get paint all over me and it completely ruins my clothes yet, if i were to get paint on this watch all is ok! I can just wipe it off, which makes this watch so practical! Its great quality and its so comfortable!

You can get this watch for £50 over on
They also do this exact watch in two other colours, Grey and Purple.

House of Watches  don't only do the brand Radley, they also sell brands such as Gucci, DKNY, Casio and up to +100 more brands! They have watches for everyone, Men, Women and kids. They also have an outlet on their site and pre-owned Rolex's! There are so many stunning watches to choose from.

Thank you, House Of Watches 
Find House Of Watches on
Twitter - https://twitter.com/house_ofwatches
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/House-of-Watches/571219899600651
Instagram - https://instagram.com/houseof_watches/

Also, a massive thank you to eTailPr for putting me in contact with amazing brands like House Of Watches.

Bloggers, check out eTailPr; http://network.etailpr.com

You can also check out my Instagram post of this Radley Watch on https://www.instagram.com/p/_jogUKsPqK/?taken-by=elizamayp

Thank you xoxoxo

Find me on:
Instagram- @elizamayp
Twitter - @elizamayp_
Snapchat - elizamayp


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